1. Keep It Affordable
Date nights are a time to press pause on your daily life and spend it with your significant other. Date nights are meant to be stress free. First you need to determine your monthly budget for date night(s). Knowing your budget will help you determine how often date nights happen and where you go. Once you have determined your budget, you can use sites like findthenite.com to find places to go, or even try something new. Remember, keep it affordable and indulge in the time you’re spending with your significant other.

2. Plan It Out
We all have busy lives and planning is a huge part to make your date night successful. Both of you should partake in planning date nights. Who is planning the next date night? What are you going to do? Where are you going? What is your budget? Do you want to do something quiet or thrilling or something in between? Take at least 15 minutes to schedule date night(s) out for the month. Make sure you both are on the same page – put it in your planners, in your phone calendar, email calendar, write it on the fridge, however you keep track of your day to day life. Don’t let other activities prevent date night from happening.
You should never just do something just because it’s date night. Plan something that you both will enjoy – the purpose of date night is to have fun together. You can check out sites like findthenite.com for new places, nightlife events, and other ideas when you are planning out date night.

3. Eliminate Distractions
You may have a tornado of things happening around you. These things can cause you to become distracted from your date. Though these things may be important, your date deserves your undivided attention. Among life’s distractions, your phone fits perfectly into that distraction equation. Put your phone away and enjoy this time. Only pull out your phone to check findthenite.com if you need directions to the next place or if you are checking on your kids.

4. Present Your Best Self
It’s date night! This is a great opportunity, especially if you work from home, to pamper yourself, pull out all the stops, and throw on that stunning outfit you bought specifically for going out tonight. Getting ready for date nights should be relaxing and fun. Don’t let getting perfect ruin your night.
If you have kids, have your husband get ready first so he can take care of getting the kids settled for bed or to be dropped off at the grandparents house. This will allow you time to get ready without rushing to get things done.

5. Conversation Is Important
“Communication is key” is a common phrase that rings true. Communication builds relationships and keeps them thriving. On date night you should avoid talking shop, complaining about work or family/friend drama, save these for another time. Instead try asking each other open ended questions, this creates a deeper connection. If you aren’t entirely sure what kind of open ended questions to ask or conversation starters, look some up prior to heading out.
If you’re significant other does bring up something that is bothering them about work, family, friends, etc. don’t cut them off, listen to them. We are all human and sometimes we need to get stuff off of our chest in order to move on with other things.