Date night can be overwhelming and stressful if it’s your first date or a long-term relationship date. But no need to worry, we have some tips below to help ensure your date night is enjoyable.
Charge Your Phone

Phones are a lifeline and the average person wouldn’t dare leave the house without it. Your phone should be put away, like we talked about in 5 Tips For A Successful Date Night. Even though you will be focused on your date and your phone is in your pocket or purse, you may need it at some point during the night. If you get lost on the way to your date, you will need your GPS. If you or your date is running late, you can communicate with each other. Or if you want to go to another spot, your phone needs to be charged so you can look for your next destination on a site like
Be True to Yourself

Confidence is key to being true to yourself, so be confident in who you are, know your worth, and don’t be someone that you are not to appease your date. Having your guard up, especially when meeting someone for the first time, is 100% normal. This is just keeping parts of yourself closed off until you trust them enough to start letting them in. There’s a difference between having a guard up versus being someone else. Pretending to be someone else is displaying attributes that are out of your character. Remember, not everyone is going to like you and that’s ok. It’s their loss because “you’re amazing just the way you are” – Bruno Mars.

Knowing date night is around the corner can bring about a rush of nerves and stress. Being stressed is normal, but don’t let it overtake you or ruin your night. You need to take some time to relax and calm your nerves. Here are a few ways to relax:
- Schedule a massage appointment
- Bubble bath with a glass of wine
- Soothing music and meditation
- Breathing exercises – take slow deep breaths, hold them for a moment, and slowly exhale
- Read a book
- Take a walk
Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep can cause puffy eyes and leave you feeling fatigued. Your skin can appear dull and lackluster as well. If you’re not able to get plenty of sleep and have time, take a power nap. Otherwise, drink some caffeine to help wake you up. This will help you be alert so you can pay attention and engage with your date.
Skin Care

Skin care is a necessity for keeping and maintaining soft, glowing, beautiful skin. Part of your skin care routine should include exfoliating to help smooth your skin by removing dead skin cells. This should only be done after you’ve cleansed your face and it’s free of product. With that in mind, exfoliate your skin the night before your date. After cleansing and exfoliating, make sure to put on serum and moisturizer. This will prevent your skin from being dry and your makeup not setting right the next day. As always, before applying make-up, you need to prime your skin.
Make Yourself Feel Beautiful

Each of us has our own definition of what beauty is and what makes us feel beautiful – makeup, clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. Beauty starts from within and radiates outward. Some of us enjoy wearing make-up and feel more beautiful with it because we can accent our favorite features, for me it’s my eyes.
Before doing your makeup, do a nightlife search and check out a site like to see what type of lighting you will be in. If you will be in natural light for the most part, do your make-up in natural light and blend everything to prevent harsh lines. If you’ll be in an upbeat place, maybe there’s dancing, or it’s the middle of summer and your make-up has a chance of becoming oily, use a primer and setting spray to keep your make-up in place. I would recommend trying the makeup look the day before just to make sure it will last for hours. Remember YOU define your beauty!
What to Wear?

Ladies, we know we can spend hours finding the right outfit for our date. If you go through your closet a few days prior to the date and have NOTHING to wear for your date, head to your favorite department store to find something that will bring out your personality more. Remember appearance isn’t everything so stick to YOUR style. Your style exudes confidence in who you are.
As we stated above, do a nightlife search on a site like to scope out the venue. You want to wear something comfortable – a brand new pair of high heels is probably not the best idea if you are going to be on your feet a lot. Vera Wang said it best: A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her clothes. So we recommend wearing something comfortable!
Conversation Prep

Appearance is not everything when it comes to date night. Yes, physical attraction is important, but conversations leading to a deeper connection is more important, if you’re looking for a long term relationship. Good communication is important to building a solid foundation to a healthy relationship.
Remember there will always be turbulence at times and you will NOT agree on everything. You need to actively listen and get to know your date – what they like, what they don’t like, what are their aspirations and goals, what motivates them to get out of bed, how their family relationships are, what are some places they’d like to travel to, etc. If you aren’t sure what conversations to use, look some up before date night. Again, you need to know what type of venue you’ll be at, so check it out on – this will let you know how conversations will flow.
In conclusion, don’t let going on a date be a stressful experience. Be confident in who you are, don’t be someone else, be present with your date, and get to know them. These tips will help guide you to having a successful date!